LGN Fulham 1km Loop

Sunday, 17th May 2009

Old Father Thames 346km long in its full majesty, how about enjoying just 1km along its meandering heritage to improve your running tidal flow?

LGN 1km loops have been located and measured at several key points around London for use primarily by LGN Run Clubs http://www.lgnwellbeing.com/

These LGN 1km loops serve several key purposes;

  1. Provide comparable LGN standard course for all our Run Clubs
  2. Via monthly time trial assist with tangible fitness progress
  3. Offer guide to tempo for people planning fun runs or PB races
  4. Building confidence for those aiming for initial 5km or 10km
  5. Help fan the flames of Inter LGN Run Club banter


Life saving indeed, use the LGN Fulham 1km loop to improve fitness and running tempo confidence, not to mention keep cardiac and respiratory function ship shape

While we at LGN embrace technology with a cuddly bear lost & found like grip, and indeed for identifying our LGN 1km loops we used internet mapping to find best routes with same start / finish area, however when it came to accurate measurement we laughed in the face of GPS and used trusted measuring techniques for inch perfect accuracy, thus while you will have a route map to provide, rest easy knowing we walked every single 1km loop with a manual measuring wheel to make sure each one LGN 1km loop is indeed exactly 1km.

LGN's hard worked measuring wheels taking a well earnt vacation in the Pyrenees

The LGN Fulham 1km is a very simple loop around the edge of Bishop's Park

To gain an idea of location and of course via internet mapping please click link:


But for a pictorial guide to LGN Fulham 1km loop please see below:

This is your start point, via the entrance gate closest to Fulham Football ground, the beginning of the bike cycle route is official start line

The official start line, no toes touching the white paint please... 3.... 2.... 1 - go!

Running straight down cycle path, lovely flat and quick, but get ready to negotiate a disco shimmy through park gates
And there are the disco shimmy park gates, wriggle yourself through and try to re-establish initial momentum

At end of your path you will see flower beds on your right, this is your cue to bear right, preparing for 2nd right turn in 50m and return leg, how much left in the tank...?

Again, yet more beautiful flat n fast paths greet you and with the River on your left urging you on, can you find that extra gear to push on for a PB effort?

Final 200 - 300m now, open playing field now visible on your right, Craven Cottage football club in front, the finish awaits you, just one final right hand turn

Last 50m as you complete your turn, choice of left or right of tree, keep those shoulders relaxed..

'X' marks the spot and the finish, well done, you are now only a few feet from where you started and hopefully your LGN trainer is smiling while looking down your new improved 1km time

So lets lace up and use the loop to either join us with our monthly time trials, or perhaps use it for rep session, do five and get a 5km time or perhaps as a guide to tempo for an upcoming race.

We look forward to hearing your results - please let us know via this blog or indeed via our The LGN Run Club on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=24456264587

Or if you think your company should join the likes of BP, M&C Saatchi & Nike et al and deserves an uber cost effective LGN Run Club, then contact us via info@lgnwellbeing.com for more info.

Happy running from all the team at LGN




LGN Admin said...

This is a BIG congratulations to everyone at DDB Health who completed the Fulham LGN 1km time trial in June.

You all ran very well and should feel very proud of yourselves. Of particular note Anna and Khalid, 4:22 and 3:20 respectively showing huge improvement from last month. Pino 4:43, Tom 3:33 Sandra 3:34, Michael 3:20.

Superb running one and all and now we can really look at targeting your training a little more effectively to correspond with your goals for the summer.

Keep up the great work - LGN Inter Advertising 5km only few weeks away - September 10th!

Happy running ome and all

The LGN team


Tim Elsey LGN Trainer

Bit of a different strength test this time using skipping ropes in order to coordinate the movements and also help with a little upper body workout too.
Well done Jo Michael and Bev;
Jo - Press ups for 1 min - 19
Pistol dips 30 secs each side -14 left 12 Right
Tuck jumps while skipping for 30 secs- 16
Running skips for 30 secs-37
fast two footed skips 30secs- 34
Bev PU- 14
PDips- 8 left 6 Right
Tuck jump while skipping-22
Running skips- 42
fast 2 footed skips- 40
Michael PU-18
Pdips- 6 right 7 left
Tuck jump While skipping- 13
Running skips- 30
Fast 2 footed skips- 18
We also practised fast feet up and down three steps as fast as possible for a minute. We averaged around 150 foot strikes.
Good work DDB Remedy!

Tim Elsey LGN Trainer

Congratulations to Jo and Bev who ran the time trial and came away with some great début winter times. Jo ran 4:35 and Bev 3:41 to run only a few seconds shy of her previous summer time best.
The Time trial is an excellent way for you all to have a monthly focus on a distance which is not too far yet gives us a really good appreciation for your current form. Going forward I would like to help you all to relate this to a 5km target race. More details will follow soon...

Tim Elsey

It was the last chance this month for DDB Health to post a quick time around the Bishops park loop before we change location to the School loop. Jo was the sole challenger and posted a neat 4:34 which was a few seconds shy of her pb but this needs to take into account the tarmac works around the far end of the loop which forced a slight deviation. All in a good close to British summer time running. See you all for the start of our 1km trials on the School loop next month.

Tim Elsey

Horrendous down pours put paid to a generous turn out from CDM and DDB although this soon cleared to give perfect conditions for the last time trial of the summer months.
Well done to Jo 4:23, Michael 3:32 and Beverly 3:37 which for her is an exact to the second run to match her personal best from last month! Might I add that Michaels effort is all the more spectacular given that he had an accent and decent of Snowdon in his legs from the weekend!
Well done to all three of you and lets keep the momentum going as we head to the winter site next month around the School.

Tim Elsey

A tough old strength test this month which you all passed with flying colours,
Burp Pdip Sdip sprints 12m Bounds Pressups
Nikita 17 15+18 9+10 13 24 31
Sophie 14 11 17+14 12 19 26
Isla 15 16+13 11+12 12 22 41
Anna 13 15+15 15+14 13 21 23
JO 17 15+13 14+14 13 21 27
Bev 18 18+22 14+10 14 16 33
Michael 17 14+9 6+10 15 14 26
Sonia 16 16+19 11+13 12 18 29
Exercises over 1 min duration with the exception of sdips (superman dips) and Pdips (pistol dips) 30 secs on each leg.


A great turn out from DDB Health for the last time trial before the LGN Wellbeing Inter Agency 5K resulted in some impressive times in hot conditions. Looks like DDB will once again be the team to beat on September 8th.
Johanna H 4:17 1.9% improvement
Isla F 5:04 not quite a PB this month.
Tanya H 4:06 Oh so close to her PB
Michael Mc 3:18 equalled his PB from June
Anna G 4:41 not quite a PB this month
Beth B 4:11 a very strong first outing over the 1k loop
Bev N 3:37 a storming first run over the loop.
Well done to all the runners and I look forward to seeing you smash these times in September!

Tim Elsey

Welcome to Paul and Beth two new recruits for the Monday club.
This weeks strength session added in bounds over 30m as a strength element. As your muscles get stronger and more responsive the number of bounds that it takes you to cover 30m should be reduced!
Burpees Sprints12m Pressups Crunches Bounds Squat Jumps
Jo 15 13 28 20 22 32
Paul 15 15 33 18 13 25
Beth 13 14 35 20 17 25
Bev 17 14 26 22 16 38
All exercises (apart from bounds) duration one minute.

Tim Elsey

Well done DDB and CDM runners last Mondays efforts over 1km gave some consistent times which were tantalisingly close to pbs for you all. Another month of hard work and we will crack those old times and set some scorchers to match the heat we have been having of late.
Isla 4:49
Emilie 5:19
Anna 4:29
and on her last session before moving to Canada Laura 4:41 two seconds shy of a new pb!
Congratulations one and all and make a date in the diary for a return next month.

Tim Elsey

DDB and CDM runners have been keen to express their improvements over the strength test so here is the fruit of their Monday evening labours. This time coming straight from the NEW alternative training ground just up from Charing cross hospital.
Sprint Squat Jump Burpee Press ups s-s Frog Jump Crunches
Sonia 13 15 15 36 36 28
Beverley 14 48 12 24 35 26
Khalid 16 53 15 57 32 40
Anna G 13 47 12 21 45 30
All exercises taking place over 1 minute as usual. Well done everyone a great effort as usual and please do compare your efforts this week with those from a month ago (scroll to the top of the page).

Tim Elsey

Hot, muggy and insect infested summed up the night of the 27th June as DDB Health and CDM tackled their June 1km time trial. But if you think these problems hindered our nine runners then think again.
Here are the times;
Laura 4:39 PB
Emilie 5:18 PB
Johanna 4:22 PB
Isla 4:37PB
Parrus 3:56 PB
Tanya 4:01 PB
Michael 3:18 PB
Sonya 4:27 SB
Anna 4:27 PB

Tim Elsey

On Monday the 13the June DDB and CDM returned to the monthly strength test with vengeance!
Michael Squat Jumps 31 Tuck Jump 45 Single leg hops 13R 20L Press ups 20
Khalid sj 37 tj65 sl 40R 42L pu 46
Beverly sj 42 tj 63 sl 42R Injured L pu 11
Laura sj 39 tj 63 sl R 42 L 40 pu 19
Claire sj 40 tj 51 sl 18 R 16 L pu 13
All the exercises were completed over the course of a minute. Sprints were done as well over a minute over 12 meters.

Tim Elsey

Well done to those who turned out for Mays strength test here are the figures from a duration of 1 minute for each exercise with the exception of the single leg knee raise hops which were 30 seconds for each leg.
Beverley 46 Squat jumps, 36 Frog hops side to side, 30R 39L Single leg knee raise hops, 28 Cruches, 12 Sprints (12m)
Jo 47 sj, 40 fh, 48R 29L sl, 24 c, 11 s
Tanya, 53 sj, 43fh, 30R 37L sl, 28 c, 14 s
Isla, 53sj, 43 fh, 40R 44L sl, 22 c, 13 s
Laura 46 sj, 34 fh, 34R 30L sl, 15 c, 11 s

Tim Elsey

Strength trial week saw the crowd from DDB Health and CDM complete Four laps of a tough strength loop incorporating lower and upper body exercises. This gives us a nice platform on which to expand on next month as we seek to zoom in on various exercises and get you to see how many repetitions you can handle in a short space of time. Well done everyone!

Tim Elsey

2011 time trials for the DDB crew have reverted to the official 1km loop around Bishops park now that British Summertime is nearly upon us. Congratulations to Nicola 3:57, Ellen 4:18 and Jane 4:46 who all ran huge PB efforts around the loop not to forget Khalid 3:32 and Jo 4:36 who ran very close to their existing personal bests. Well done everyone these 1 km times keep dropping promising rapid results when you aim for that mid summer 5 or 10km race! Keep those feet ticking along.

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