Imperial War Museum provides an iconic back drop to this LGN 1km loop
LGN 1km loops have been located and measured at several key points around London for use primarily by LGN Run Clubs
These LGN 1km loops serve several key purposes:
Provide comparable LGN standard course for all our Run Clubs
Via monthly time trial assist with tangible fitness progress
Offer guide to tempo for people planning fun runs or PB races
Building confidence for those aiming for initial 5km or 10km
Help fan the flames of Inter LGN Run Club banter
and last lap bells don't get more symbolic than this memorial work of art
While we at LGN embrace technology with a cuddly bear lost & found like grip, and indeed for identifying our LGN 1km loops we used internet mapping to find best routes with same start / finish area, however when it came to accurate measurement we laughed in the face of GPS and used trusted measuring techniques for inch perfect accuracy, thus while you will have a route map to provide, rest easy knowing we walked every single 1km loop with a manual measuring wheel to make sure each one LGN 1km loop is indeed exactly 1km.
The LGN Imperial War Musuem 1km loop is held on museum ground in a small park known as the Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park which is relatively small but great for encouraging other LGN Run Club runners and building a lush lactic atmosphere.
At only 447 metres around the green perimeter, the LGN 1km loop requires two laps with and extra 116 metres to the finishing line.
To find a the location and gain a rough idea of LGN loop please click on mapping facility below:
or for full LGN pictorial tour please see below.
447 metres in distance, get ready for 2 lap 1km joy
Welcome to the LGN 1km start and indeed the Geraldine Mary Harmsworth Park, the start line is where the man in the red jumpers path intersects junction and is marked by white line
There is the white 'start line'
This should be your view from the official start after only a few seconds of running, keeping to the tarmac, bear right after picnic area.
Run past disabled parking bays on your right and get ready for left turn on path
as you turn left you will have the side of the musuem on your right, run all the way down the end of the path and get ready for left turn at the bottom.
With musuem on your right, follow arrow and keep running!
as you turn left you will presented by brick wall on your right, run along its length and then geat ready to go very mildly 'off road'
Well... we did say mildly off road, follow this path to its end and you will have comepleted one of two required laps
After two laps of course you then need to finish 116 metres further along from your start point, which is by the third disabled parking bay, handily marked by white paint as above.
So lets lace up and use the loop to either join us with our monthly time trials, or perhaps use it for rep session, do five and get a 5km time or perhaps as a guide to tempo for an upcoming race.
Or if you think your company should join the likes of BP, M&C Saatchi & Nike et al and deserves an uber cost effective LGN Run Club, then contact us via for more info.
Happy running from all the team at LGN
Feb 1k runs by Unilever check them out.
Kai 3-25.5 (18 secs improvement 8.05%)
Kevin 3-40 (4.5 secs improvement )
Alex 1 4-04
Alex 2 3-20
Ian 3-10
Unilever rocked their 1k's in Jan
Kai 3-43.5
Kevin 3-44.5
Seb 3-25
Ian 3-12
James 3-04
Alex 2 3-18
MEC super stars are at it again...
MEC is bursting with form, speed and 5k we are coming to get you...
Ryan, 3.09, 2.48 is your PB. FAST!
Kat NEW PB 4.40, 4% improvement, YIPPPPPEEEEE, you star, sub 4.30 before the winter months!
Emma NEW PB 4 on the nose, 2% improvement, FABULOUS.
Verity 4.11, PB is 4.05 consistent and strong.
Diane NEW PB for 2013, 3.50 7% improvement in 2012 you did 3.47... next time you will smash this!
Laura 4.38, 1 second quicker than the last time, 4.12 is your PB... to be attacked.
Scottish Dan, 3.28, still a speedster, 2012 saw your PB as 3.10.
Carly 3.45, 3.42 is your PB, strong solid running sub 3.40 any time now!
Andrew 2.40, 2.32 is your PB Super speedy and consistent.
NIKS DEBUT PB IS 3.12... sub 3 go go go!
Super results from a super team.
What a 1k loop Bonanza for MEC this May…
After holding the course record of 2.58 from April, Captain Ryan has taken 10 SECONDS off that this month with a 6% improvement, 2.48, ABSOLUTELY STUNNING, SUPER!
We have a NEW COURSE RECORD HOLDER, Andrew ZOOMS in with an incredible 2.32. Mind blowingly fast… WELL DONE SPEED DEMON.
These two really do bring out the legs in each other.
Verity SMASHES her PB with a 7% improvement 4.05, FANDABIDOZI!
Sophie NEW PB NEW PB tra la la, 5% improvement 3.48, BOOM!
Anna returns with a NEW PB yay yay yay, 4% improvement 3.48 Thank you very much!
Newbie Sian DEMOLISHES her previous debut with a WHOPPING 22%, 4.07, incredible, sensational and what a difference a month makes!
Another New Kid on the Block, Carly also ahs a STONKING run rewarded with a NEW PB, 3.42, 9% improvement, YIPEEEE!
Roll on the LGN 5k… WIN WIN WIN x x x
Sorry for the delay in the display of this set of outstanding results…
Club captain Ryan 2.58 NEW COURSE RECORD BOOM! 11% imp
Georgia NEW PB 4.21 8% imp
Kat NEW PB 4.53 6% imp
Liz NEW PB 6.15 3% imp
Emma NEW PB 4.06 3% imp
Verity NEW PB 4.23 6% imp
Sophie NEW PB 4 4% imp
Sian DEBUT 5.15
Carly DEBUT 4.03
It is May already watch out MEC are clearly about…. To be winners!
Well done to all the 1k loopers of last week, looking good...
Remember this is a clean slate...but for your interest I have put your (OLD PB IN BRACKETS)...
Looking forward to % improvements in April, Brill April I will call it!
Ryan, 3.20, (3.24) tres bon!
Georgia, 4.45, (4.17) mind on other things perhaps?
Kat, 5.12, (4.41) sub 5 and soooon please!
Philly, 3.44, (3.53) super, smashing, great!
Dan W, 3.35, (3.24) good return.
Liz, 6.27, (6.02) sub 6 target for the summer?
Emma, 4.21, zoooooom!
Verity, 4.46, (4.28) Go get it!
Diane, 4.06, (3.47) speedy returns...
Sophie, 4.10, (3.45) post holiday legs.
Laura, 4.39, (4.12) post holiday legs.
MEC Medallions go for Gold in August!
Results of the 1k...
Laura New PB 4.12... old one was 4.13 yeeehaaaa!
Leslie only 7 seconds off her PB with 4.27... whooosh with a recovering niggle!
Helen New PB 3.33 4% improvement Yabadabadoooo!
Chayton close to PB with 3.59, 3.52 to beat! Gooooooooo!
Sophie no PB this time with 4... 3.45 is your best, maybe if you ran it twice the second one would be the winner???
Ryan New PB alert 3.24, 7% improvement, 3.35 previously, a Cheltenham Flyer!
Diane ran 3.50, 3.47 to beat, Queen Plank you are though!
Kat New PB 4.41, smiling all the way for the Bride to be! 3% improvement!
Dan W 3.32, 3.24 in the previous PB, next time speeeeedy!
Paul, debut with a PB of 3.53 zooooom, looking forward to seeing that smashed!
WOW, with an all lady team , the July 1k loop was spectacular last night!
With the Olympics in full flow, MEC celebrated with speedy legs... with some remarkable improvements I am 100% sure in saying the 'absolutely not' answer to questions about whether they had used performance-enhancing drugs.
Sophie NEW PB 3.43, 4.09 previous, 12% improvement Zoooooooom!
Laura EQUALS PB 4.13, 3% improvement on June Whoooosh!
Helen 3.42, 1% improvement on June, PB is 3.35 Speeeeeedy!
Diane NEW PB 3.47, 1% improvement BOOM BOOM BOOM!
Beatrice NEW PB 4.48, 5.28 previous, 12% improvement Yeeehaaaa!
Verity NEW PB 4.28, 4.46 previous, 6% improvement Yeeeeeeeeeessssss!
Kat NEW PB 4.41, 4.49 previous, 3% improvemnt Whizzzzz!
Anna NEW PB 3.57, 4.06 previos, 4% improvement Splish Splash!
National Anthem Please!
The results. MEC for June 2012.
Hot, stuffy & uncomfortable weather, but still they ran...
Scottish Dan, 3.10 NEW PB for this term, (Aug 2011 you ran 3.09!) Yipeeeeeeee 4% improvement.
Philly, 4, 3.53 is your best, but a great time for the day!
Georgia, 4.34, 4.17 is the time that made you the trainer winner.
Laura, 4.22, 4.13 is your best, July has to be your month!
Helen, 3.44, 3.35 is your best, let's blame the muggy conditions.
Sophie, 4.15, 3.51 is your best, let's blame the lack of air in the air!
Ryan, 3.39, 3.35 is your best... sub 3.30 must be your goal!
Anna, PB 4.06!
John, PB 3.32!
Diane, 3.49, 3.44 is your best back in Aug 2011!
Verity, PB 4.46!
Yipee do for MEC. Great 1k loopage for April with an improvements galore!
The Rodriguez flying fox (there is one at Dublin zoo) Richard flew home with a new PB (for this season) 3.07, 3.10 last month! 2% improvement.
The Gerenuk (natures little acrobat) Georgia sped home in 4.17, new PB, last month 4.48, 11% improvement, simply amazing!
The Lumholtz Tree Kangaroo (strong limbs) Leslie glided swiftly around the 1k, a new PB 4.20, 4.49 last month 10% improvement, amazing yipee!
The Hagan flying squirrel Helen (able to travel great distances through the forest without ever touching the ground) flew around with a new PB 3.35, 3.51 last month, 7% improvement.
The Cheetah (slender, long legged, fast) ran a consistent loop: 3.52 last month, 3.57 for April... May the Cheetah will break 3.50!
The Springbok (magnificent jumping displays) Sophie made a display with a new PB 3.51, was 4.09, sub 4 mins yay, 7% improvement.
Newcomer Beatrice The Burmese Hare (fast, strong legged) debuted in 5.28 Well done!
First timer Ryan The Red fronted Gazelle (elegantly jumps with great stamina) began his 1k journey with 3.35, superb.
Newbie Chris The Canadian Lynx (long, strong back legs) ran a fab 3.27 for his first outing, yipeee!
All in all a great 1k experience and a great day at the zoo!
Well done.
MEC team,
Well done to all the 1k loopers on Tuesday. Smashing!
The results are as follows... as I said on the night, this is a clean slate all previous PB's are obsolete... the competition is on!
Rich 3.10 Phwoooor!
Scottish Dan 3.17 Speeeeeedy!
Dan 3.38 Bullet!
Nick 3.44 Flying!
Philly 3.53 Superb!
Georgia 4.48 GO GO Go!
Laura 4.13 Zooooooming!
Leslie 4.49 Yipeeeeeeee!
Helen 3.51 Boom Boom Boom!
Greg 3.45 Yahoooooo!
Chayton 3.52 Whizzzzzz!
Jo 4.14 Whooooosh!
Sophie 4.09 Speedster!
Well done to all the 1k loopers!
Queen of the lung club Laura, ran close to her PB with 4.06. (4.01 is you
best... sub 4 next month???)
Dan W ran to the beat and ran 3.35. (4.49 is your best... maybe the beat
was still in the limbs???)
Hungry for speed Helen ran 3.35. (3.34 is your best... sub 3.30 next time
for sure!)
Newbie Sophie a Great PB of 4.59, CONGRATULATIONS!
Emma, what a running journey the past few weeks have been! An improvement
of 18%. Fantastic Emma!!! WELL DONE. Your progress has been super to
watch and now you have a new PB 5.07. (6.13 last time.) STUNNING!
Speedy Richard clocked another sub 3 min time... 2.59 this time WELL DONE!
(PB is 2.57)
Jolly Jo and her swinging pony tail ran 4.11 this time. 1 second off her
best great consistency Jo!
Georgia and Kat were running and celebrating engagement and happiness...
5.05 and 5.08 clocked. Georgia's best is 4.21, Kat's is 4.49.
Well done to all...
... Next month may the leg and lung force be with YOU!
The wet conditions on the course with many corners… you flew like the
athletes you are… you used the speed slowing muddy stretch to prepare the
legs for the acceleration bonanza once they touched the responsive
Well done Team MEC…
Well done to all the runners who achieved new PB’s and a special Woohoo to
Rich to has nailed the NEW COURSE RECORD and ducked under 3 min in a
Laura, (16% improvement on last month but equaling her PB) 4.01, the Queen
of the club setting a fast and fine example!
The flying filly Georgia, 2% off her best, but her BEST BEST is still to
come, I am sure! Zooming in in 4.26.
Dan F, (8% improvement on last month, a 2% improvement on his PB) 3.09,
this flying Scottie is definitely made of girders! Will be sub 3 mins
Record breaking Rich, (9% improvement on last month, 4% improvement on
his PB) Paddy Power prevails 2.57!
Dashing Diane, (6% improvement on last month and new PB) 3.44, super
running, super progression, super Diane!
Jo Rapid Reber, (13% improvement on last month equaling her PB) 4.10,
elegant form as always, great running!
Oli , (4% improvement and a new PB!) 3.56 Wooooooo Hooooooooo, great
result, the power I tell you, the power!
Helen oh how she hurries! (13%improvement on last month and a 7%
improvement on her PB!) 3.34, Great Galloping Girl!
Amelia, only 1% off her all time best, 4.18 is a great result from this
fast twitched Young Lady! Well done!
Dan W, (9% improvement on last month and a 4% improvement on his PB!)
3.24 is the name of the game and young man Dan is the Games Master!!!!
Also, Well done with the mean trick of mine... yes the second loop
challenge.... amazing 2nd loops guys, Well done, you are good! Enjoy your
week ends a I look forward to running with you on Tuesday.
So there you have it!
Really liking the Kind Richard title :)
Not liking the down 5% bit :(
Results for July 2011
Laura, 14% down on June,4.46... I blame the clapham chasers the night before!
Scottish Dan, 7% down with 3.25, there was no air!
Lisa, 3% down with 4.41, too humid!
King Richard, 5% down 3.15... he'll be back!
Stefano Big Man improved by 2% in 3.46 Welldone you!
Diane improved by 1% 3.58 yeeehaaa!
Jo 14% down in 4.38, too muggy!
Helen, 6% down in 4.06, she was not well!
Liz, 10% down 6.38, toooo hot!
Kat, 6% down 5.05 next time...
Dan, 6% down in 3.46, stuffy!
Debut performances...
Silke 5.29, WELL DONE!
Emma, 6.13, YIPEEE!
On the 7th June MEC Runners showed outstanding progression on their 1k loop times, a special mention must be made of Laura Moorcroft who not only smashed her PB on the 1k loop... but the previous week achieved PB's in her 5k and 10k times! Laura has since signed up to do a Duathlon! Good luck Laura.... who is also the New MEC team captain!
Secondly, Well done to Jenny Eldridge for smashing a bridge run PB last night, Jenny has been a super runner and team leader at MEC and will be missed, but her strong legs and efficient lungs take her to pastures new... Good luck!
Finally, CONGRATULATIONS and Well done Richard Fitzgerald for becoming the NEW COURSE RECORD holder, super speed, super running!
Jenny, 4.52, no PB this time, (saving it for the bridge run!)
Laura M, 4.10, Massive PB 10% IMPROVEMENT.
Cormac, 3.15, 3 seconds off his best but still super quick.
Scottish Dan, 3.12 new PB 2% IMPROVEMENT, hurrah.
Lisa, 4.34, new PB, 5% IMPROVEMENT, yipee!
Richard, NEW COURSE RECORD AND PB = 3.05, 5% improvement!
Diane, 4 on the nose, 7 seconds quicker, new PB 3% IMPROVEMNT.
Jo, 4.11, new PB, 3% IMPROVEMENT, yeeehaaa!
Helen, 3.51, new PB, 3% IMPROVEMENT, whooopeee!
Liz, 6.02, new PB, 3% IMPROVEMENT, YES!
Well done Amelia with 4.16, Cat with 4.49 and non Scottish Dan with 3.32, all of which were your debut performances.
Great Running!
MEC are back in the game!
Last week MEC embarked the 1k loop challenge with exciting and impressive results. With still some members of team MEC to create their time... it will be a matter of time before they have a shoe winner in their club!!!
For many it was their 1k debut, next month I am sure we will see some epic improvements... also the added challenge of that fast second loop anyone????
Georgia, Lisa, Diane and Helen are Queens of the second loop all clocking a faster time on round 2!
Jenny Eldridge 4.41 The Clubs Boss!
Laura Moorcroft 4.37 The Racer.
Cormac Loughran 3.12 The Speedster.
Stuart Wareman 3.33 The one who got married.
Georgia Civil 4.21 (7% improvement!) The running lover.
Andy Devine 4.31 The busy one.
Dan Friel 3.16 (Previous PB 3.14) The speedy Scotsman.
Lisa James 4.47 The smiler to be sub 4.40 next time.
Richard Fitzgerald 3.14 The speedy Irishman.
Stefano Biggi 3.51 The longest stride in the club!
Matt Johnson 4.51 The going to be sub 4.50 next timer.
Liz Emsley 6.12 The very cheerful going to be sub 6 mins next timer.
Diane Alagar 4.07 The smiling sub 4 mins next timer...
Jo Reber 4.18 The pony tail swinging mover.
Oliver Foot 4.05 Fast foot!
Helen Atkinson 3.58 Miss Marathon.
Well done and roll on next month!