LGN Run Club’s Kings Cross 1km Loop
"Sir, if you wish to have a just notion of the magnitude of this city, you must not be satisfied with seeing its great streets and squares, but must survey the innumerable little lanes and courts. It is not in the showy evolutions of buildings, but in the multiplicity of human habitations which are crowded together, that the wonderful immensity of London consists." (Samuel Johnson)
Welcome to LGN's most urban 1km Loop and proof positive that even the crowded old London as Samuel Johnson describes above as ample room for running and in particular a 1km loop.
Barnard Park is just 5mins walk from Kings CRoss and is our location for the Kings Cross 1km loop
LGN's 1km loops have been located and measured at several key points around London for use primarily by LGN Run Clubs:
LGN 1km loops serve several key purposes:
- Provide comparable LGN standard course for all our Run Clubs
- Via monthly time trial assist with Run Club members tangible fitness progress
- Offer tempo training guide for LGN Run Club members and friends of LGN
- Help build confidence for those aiming for their initial 5km or 10km
- Fan the already raging flames of Inter LGN Run Club banter & rivalry
We at LGN embrace running based technology with a child-like grip, and for identifying our LGN 1km loops we used internet mapping to find best routes.
However, when it came to accurate measurement we laughed in the face of GPS and instead use trusted measuring techniques for inch perfect accuracy, thus while you will have a route map below, rest easy knowing we walked every single 1km loop with a manual measuring wheel to make sure each one LGN 1km loop is indeed exactly 1km.
LGN's trusted measuring wheels, enjoying downtime and Eskimo kissing whilst holidaying in the Orient
Please find LGN Run Club's Kings Cross 1km Loop mapped below:
Please find LGN's photo blog of the 1km route below:
The Kings Cross 1km loop using Barnard Park is just less than a two loop affair as each complete lap is exactly 512.8m long.
Barnard Park in bloom - this flower bed marks your 1km start
The tarmac line creates our exact Barnard Park 1km starting point
From the start line you head straight down keeping the enclosed sports facility on your right

You are now aiming for the left hand corner as you begin your outer park 1km section

Head straight down and get ready for the chicance induced 1km hip wiggle
As you exit the park get reday to take the next left

As you turn left a lovely downhill section of Richmond Avenue will greet you, but get ready for the very next left

Number 46 aka the 'Egyptian House' marks the end of the road where you hang a hard left

This is your running vision as you turn left onto Hemingford Road and come back to park

Towards the end of Hemingford Road on your left you take the entrance back into Barnard Park

The hill takes you back to your start where you turn left, go over start line and head off on lap #2

And for the 2nd time you see this hill which is your final 30m - 40m, you have three trees on either side of the hill, and it is the last two trees on either side at the top that mark your exact 1km finish line.

This is your finishing tree on the left hand side as you run up the hill - congrats on your 1km
The team at LGN look forward to hearing about the Run Club's times tumbing and indeed them posted on the forum below... who is in with a shout of winning a brand new pair of Asics running shoes?
Happy running from all the team at LGN!
Wow...hadn't realised it was so long since your last 1km...you guys really have got off lightly!!! This run marks the beginning of our 2013 odyssey to fitness nirvana. All previous PBs can be set aside as we're now using this time as your benchmark for the monthly 'biggest improver' prize given across all the LGN clubs.
As suspected, measuring the course via good old google maps resulted in you running 1.1km on Tues. The course has since been remeasured accurately with a measuring wheel so I've adjusted your times accordingly to what you covered the 1km distance in.
This months results:
Paul G 3:28
Simon G 3:30
Dan C 3:46
Melanie P 4:41
Lucy B 4:43
Alberio O 3:51
Alison K 4:49
Lorenzo R 3:40
Daniel H 4:32
So closes the chapter on this particular 1km course with the fading winter light forcing us to now search out a new 1km course. Jamies record will now stay intact for the winter months while we look to set new marks on the course we find for ourselves.
This latest edition had 8 starters in all, with 2 of these being newbies to the course. PB's still continue to tumble with 3 of the 6 veterans of the course knocking further time off their PB. Well done to Karolina who was this months biggest improver knocking a whopping 18 seconds off her previous best. Well done also to Sofia & Lorenzo who also knocked sizeable chunks off their times (12 seconds each).
So to the times!!!
Holly 5:26 (first timer, PB)
Karolina 4:26 (PB, 6.3% improvement)
Simon G 3:31
Melanie 4:38
Jaysil 5:12 (first timer, PB)
Lorenzo 3:31 (PB, 5.4% improvement)
Sofia 5:33 (PB, 3.6% improvement)
Jamie 3:18
This months edition saw 4 new times posted and 3 of the 4 veterans of the course posting PBs (oh and did i mention we finally had that eagerly awaited showdown between the two fastest runners to date that resulted in a NEW course record being posted!)
Well done to the newcomers who posted really respectable times (not bad for a twenty a day person!!!) Your job now is to push on with your training this month (& cut down on the fags!!!) with the view to knocking sizeable chunks off your time next time around. Consistent training holds the key!
Well done to Lorenzo and Paul for knocking further time off their PBs. Final word I guess has to go to the new record holder who not only beat the record but also posted the biggest improvement this month lowering his PB by 3.6%, big it up for the one and only...Jamie P!!!
The times:
Paul 3:12 (PB, 1% improvement)
Simon G 3:36
Jamie P 3:08 (Course Record, PB, 3.6% improvement)
Yana 5:00
Lorenzo 3:43 (PB, 1.8% improvement)
Josh 3:46
Karolina 4:44
Bek 4:29
This months edition was a mixture of first time outings, a female course record and an oh so close for the mens record!!!
In what was our biggest turnout to date, 7 new times were posted with the time of 4:09 set by Sarah on her first outing now being the official female course record!
Everyone should be pleased with their efforts and now be looking to knuckle down and look for improvements next time around. For those newcomers wondering what sort of improvements can be made, look to Melanie for inspiration and the 11% improvement she made on her personal best...great running Mel!
Jamie came oh so near to Pauls record...we really do need a head to head next time around to help find that new male record.
Simon G 3:32
Jamie 3:15
Anke 4:11
Chloe 5:15
L 6:00
Sof 5:45
Jacob 3:27
Lorenzo 3:47
Melanie 4:15 (11% improvement)
Sarah 4:09 (female course record!)
Well done guys on some solid running for this months 1km. Nice to see that Simon G. managed to stay on his feet and post a much improved time that better reflects his ability. Good solid first efforts by Tom and Melanie on their first outing on this course and a new female record to boot which I think Melanie is definitely capable of improving on next time out. Simon P. is turning out to be Mr. Consistency posting a near identical time to his last outing...definitely something to work towards and improve on next time.
And finally well done to Paul who managed to lower the course record by a further 1sec and i reckon if his current nearest competition had been around another few seconds could have been shaved off...Jamie, I think Paul has now officially thrown down the gauntlet!!!
Simon G. 3:27 (6.3% improvement)
Melanie 4:48 (Female Course Record)
Paul 3:14 (New Male Course Record, 0.5% improvement, small but moving in the right direction!)
Simon P. 3:40
Tom 4:34
Well done on some solid running today. Decided collectively that a slightly altered course from the one detailed above gave everyone a fairer crack at showing their true 1km potential. 3 circuits of the inner perimeter of the all weather pitch was our course and by god, what a speedy course it turned out to be. Simon G will have to work on his cornering speed as a slight tumble scuppered any hopes he had of making an improvement on his previous times...live and learn...I can guarantee there will be big things from him next time out.
There looks like there could be some serious competition for the quickest time over the coming months with both Jamie and Paul posting the exact same times this time around (a course record as this is a slightly altered new course). Hats off to Simon P...don't know where hes getting his energy from! After completing 4 triathlons in the last 5 weeks (and hot on the tail of Jenson Buttton in one the them), he still managed to put in a really solid performance this week and I expect him to knock time off next time around when hes feeling a little fresher.
So the times!!!
Paul 3:15 (Joint course record holder)
Jamie 3:15 (joint course record holder)
Simon P 3:39
Simon G 3:41(f) - that (f) for faller but recovered and still put in a respectable time.