Millwall Park - just 5 to 10mins jog from Canary Wharf and runs parallel to Mudchute Park
Did you know that Millwall Park was the original home to Millwall FC, oh yes, your LGN 1km Loop is on iconic sporting land
LGN Run Club's 1km Loops are precisely measured using calibrated surveyors wheels
Millwall Park location and 1km route:
Please click link to see map and 1km route -
However, for full pictorial route blog please see below:
As you enter the park you descend stairs and have this view, your LGN 1km 'start line' is the white line on the left
'Gentlemen (and ladies) please start your engines'
Lovely long initial straight to help you find your own pace as you run clockwise round the park
Keep your eyes peeled during your 1km effort for Millwall Park's very own Yogi & Park Ranger....
At the end of the long straight the path starts to turn right
Keep it flowing round the bend through the play area - with lovely tangible analagy for how running truly is child's play etc
At the mini round-about with sculpture in the middle get ready to bear right
Take hard right following path around lamp post (refrain from cutting corner on grass as you will only be cheating yourself....)
Turn right once more, look left as you cross cycle lane and keep basketball area on your left
Just keep followong path round to the right soon to have mini viaduct on your left
And here is said 'viaduct' / railway bridge wall on the left as you come into final 200m
With 150m remaining instead of following path to start line, bear right and re-join your opening long straight
Welcome back to initial route, 1km finish is coming up in approx 50m
X marks the finish! Due to lack of land mark we were lucky to find a cross engraved on wooden raised plant bed on left of path
The finish point is also exactly opposite grey modern building on other side of the park
And these are the trees behind the 'X marks the spot' engraving, as you will see it was exactly 1km, spooky!
And that is the LGN Canary Wharf 1km Loop - we look forward to seeing personal best times tumbling like Chinese acrobats.
Happy running from all the team at LGN!
Do a runner with LGN
BP 3 x 1K with 3-30 recovery. Great conditions for Feb.
Chris 4-20, 4-20, 4-21 Av 4-20.3 First time ever.
Kim 4-17, 4-19, 4-30 Av 4-22 First timer
Dan 4-07, 3-52, 3-44 Av 3-54.3 Expereinced Campaigner
Mark 3-40, 3-40, 3-40 Av 3-40 Cracking form going into a 13.1 miler.
Richard 3-32, 3-35, 3-33 Av 3-33.3 Getting better each month
Matt 3-36, 3-38, 3-35 Av 3-36.3 Good marathon prep
Steve 2-58, 3-07, 3-12 Av 3-05.7 First ever sub 3 on the course.
Charlie 3-10, 3-13, 3-12 Av 3-11.7 Excellent Consistency
Until next month.
BP ripping it up with their 1K runs in Millwall Park.
Mark 3-32.5
Dan 3-43.5
James 3-40.5
BP took in the MIllwall loop on a dry and warm Feb day. Times below:
Matt 6-07
Dan 3-48.5
Chole 4-30
James 3.55
ON a lovely September day the BP crew tore into the Millwall Loop with some great times.
Steve 3-52 1.69% improvement
Dan 3-45 0.88% improvement
Nick 3-56 10.94% improvement 29 secs of his best of 2016
Sarah 3-34
Katrin 3-44
Roll on October
Nick took on some poor conditions (seemed like the only day in August!) and produced a solid effort around the Millwall Loop. Roll on September.
Nick 4-25.
BP took on the Millwall Park 1K loop again in March in cool but dry conditions. Times below:
Scott N 3-40 9.84% improvement.
James S 3-44 11.81 improvement
Russell W 2.63% improvement
Steve L 3-56 debut run
Dan 3-47 debut run in 2016
Chole 7.89% improvement
Richard 3-34 0.49% improvement
Everyone improving a great month.
On another cold wintery day in Millwall Park BP performed their Feb time trials.
Bori T 5-06 9.5% inprovement (32 secs)
Richard 3-35 debut effort in 2016.
On a cold lunctime in January BP conducted their latest 1K timed runs. check out their times below.
Bori T 5-38
Neil D 3-36
Scott N 4-04
James S 4-14
Russell 4-26
Hardev 4-57
Chole 4-26
On yet another cold and wet (constant rain) BP took to Millwall Park to complete their latest 1K runs.
Scott 4-04 2.8 % improvement
Eddie 5.2% improvement
Chloe 1.9% improvement
On a cold a wet October day the BP runners conducted their October 1K runs. Results below:
Scott 4-11 2.3% improvement
Eddie 4-29
Chloe 4-29
On a lovely spring March lunchtime the BP fit club runners conducted their latest 1K timed runs. Approx temp 11 degrees with moderate winds.
Times below:
Tunji A 4-21 (debut run)
James S 3-35 13.3% improvement beating 4-08 from last month. (1 sec away from 2012 PB)
John B 3-24 3.8% improvement was perfectly paced by James and continues his improvement in fitness since the start of the year.
Matt B 4-21 13.6% improvement and best of the group & only 3 secs away from 2014 PB.
Ivana 4-56 11.1% improvement and all time PB taking 5 secs off from last year.
Rajul 4-51 (debut run for 2015) welcome return to the group.
Updates shortly on if Matt is the LGN Wellbeing 1K winner for March.
The BP Fit Club conducted their Feb 1K time trial in cold and strong winter winds. This did not stop the team though and they produced some impressive times.
Bori T 5-33
Ivana F 5-33
James S 4-08
John B 3-32 (Debut run)
Scott (Captain) 4-17
Matt B 5-02
Roll on March and smashing those times.
On a cold November lunch time the BP Run Club conducted its 1K time trial around Millwall Park. Results Below:
Dan R 3-25 just 13 seconds from his best achieved in July.
Nic T 3-59 also just 13 seconds from his best 2014 effort in July
James S 3-43 a fine first effort for 2014
Ivana F 5-06 just 5 seconds from her best ran in June.
Keep checking for December times coming soon!
Happy Training
On a warm sunny day pre LGN Inter Advertising Agency 5K BP conducted their latest 1k timed runs. Result below:
Ashley 4-23 back to the group after a long absence and a solid opener for 2014.
Nick 3-46 A great first effort for 2014
Giovanni 3-42 Great running
Danish 4-31 showing good form just shy of a PB.
Andy 3-42 was in no need of the head start is progressing really fast considering how new he is to the group.
Richard 3-32 our fasted runner of the day
Matt 4-18 1 sec improvement from last month. Keep up the good work
Algernon 4-45 great first run leading into his first 5K.
On a very hot day the BP run club along with the new joiners from the BP Walk2Run club conducted their July times. Results below:
Angie 5-33 very close to her best
Dominic 3-24 very first session and starting with a 1k trial excellent debut
Dan 3-36 looked very strong early on.
Laura 4-20 returning to the group and showing great strength
Danish 4-23 recently graduated from the Walk2Run club and showing good progress.
Dan R 3-12 missed the last 2 weeks but did him no harm with a huge PB
Matt B 4-19 a massive 28 second improvement 9.8% another graduate from the Walt2Run club
Rajul S 4-29 just like Matt a big 27 second improvement 9.1% improvement.
Can't wait for August
On a cool day reaching 18 degrees the BP Walk2Run club completed their 16 week program with a 1K run around Millwall Park.
I am proud to report everyone completed the distance without walking which just shows how far the group has come in a short period of time.
Algie 4-57
Kola 4-17
Angie Du P 5-22
Johana 6-15
Jo C 5-22
Karen W 5-14
Bori T 4-43
Rajul S 4-56
Matt B 4-47
Ivana 5-01
The group will be looking to improve on these times in July when they advance to the run club on Tuesday and Thursdays and the LGN 5K on September 4th.
Ben Noad
On a day of strong winds, 4 runners made it to the start line. It was difficult to tell if the winds were going to aid or hinder the 1km times. Going by the strong results I'm guessing the former was the case. Well done to Kris who not only ran the quickest time this month but also showed the biggest improvement from the last outing.
Kris 3:12 (PB for 2013, 10% improvement on previous)
Nigel 3:33 (PB for 2013, 4.5% improvement on previous)
Eric 3:53 (PB for 2013, 4% improvement on previous)
Matt 3:37
The 1km time trial is back and will be making a regular appearance at the beginning of each month, so as to give you a measure of fitness improvements. Four bodies made it to the start line for this months edition. Conditions were ideal so no excuses on the weather front. Four very respectable times were posted and will now act as benchmarks to try and beat in the coming months. Great running guys!
Scott 3:54
Nigel 3:43
Eric 4:01
Kris 3:33
On Tuesday 16th April 2013 the long winter of cold and rain finally gave in to a Spring like day and some of the BP run club regulars and some new members tested themselves over the flat 1 km time trial route in Millwall Park. Six debut runs and with each person laying their benchmark down the work can begin over the coming weeks and months to improve. For four of our regulars the long winter has not dented last year's fitness highs too much. Lets get some fair weather training in and start to flow with our running..
Results below
Rama V 6:39 Debut run and form looking good
Angie D 5:33 Debut run with strong finish
Katie V 5:14 Debut run and paced well
Mark F 4:12 Debut run very close to 4 minute barrier
Dave B 3:22 Debut run and showing great potential
Dan W 4:42 Debut run and nice sub 5 minute start
James S 3:55 Returning to fitness and another sub 4 minute
Nicki F 3:58 Only 4" of her 2012 p.b.
Chris C 4:12 only 2" off 2012 p.b.
Skipper 3:54 Despite winter abstractions from training
another sub 4 minute run!
Until next time happy running to the BP crew!
A small but focussed group headed out to Millwall Park for the final test of aerobic fitness on the 18th December 2012. Despite the lateness in the year and the distractions of the festive celebrations everyone showed they still had some excellent running fitness from their previous months of training. Winifred A produced an amazing sprint finish and showed us that her form has progressed from her first running steps at run club. Jakub again produced a swift run and was only 2 seconds off his p.b. Will he get a sub 3 minute 1k run in 2013? Kris L ran a very impressive debut run and shows all the potential to be pushing himself and Jakub to new records in coming months. Dan R either gets a p.b. every time he runs the time trial or is within a few seconds of his best. On this occasion he was only 3 seconds away from his p.b. and has had the most consistent series of runs in 2012. Well done to everyone! Results below
Winifred A 5:08 (debut run)
Dan R 3:21
Jakub P 3:03
Kris L 3:07 (debut run)
On the 6th November a small group from BP ventured into Millwall Park which was recovering from a Guy Fawkes event. The crowds may have departed but the remnants of used fireworks, mud, puddles and local authority vehicles were to be found on the normally clear 1k route. However, despite the obstacles to faster running the BP runners ran like rockets with Nicki F just 5" off the ladies course record with 3:54 and a marvellous 12.6% improvement on her previous time! Paul L produced a magnificently swift 3:12 for his debut run (it looks like we have another flying Scotsman on board). Henry, Katherine and Giovanni were only 8”, 4” and 2” respectively away from their p.b. times. Christmas cracker time trial will be some time in December hopefully on a perfect winter running day!
Results for November below
Nicki F 3:54 (14.6% improvement)
Paul L 3:12 (Debut run)
Henry W 3:54 (8” slower than p.b time)
Katherine P 4:19 (4” slower than p.b. time)
Giovanni V 3:37 (just 2” slower than p.b. time)
Mid-day sunshine greeted the hardy few from BP on the 27th September who ventured down to Millwall Park on the Isle of Dogs for the 1km time trial. Nicki F showed her running potential with a respectable debut run. Looks like she is on course for a good half marathon in the near future! Giovanni equalled his p.b. time with a strong performance and showed himself to be on form. Dan R appears to have broken his p.b. yet again (he has done this every time he has run for the last 6 time trials). Skipper produced another sub 4 minute and the third fastest he has ran this year.
The results are
Nicki F 4:34 (debut run)
Skipper 3:58 (nice sub 4 time again)
Giovanni 3:35 (equal p.b.)
Dan R 3:18 (new p.b. and the most consistent improver)
Well done to you all that took part. Look forward to October and some good end of year performances.
12 people from BP took part in the monthly time trial on 24th July 2012 in hot conditions but the weather did not stop some excellent performances. 7 people got new personal bests (Pb’s), a new ladies course record (Ellen) and three debut runs.
The full results are
Andrew V.M. 3:14 (Debut run and one to watch over coming months)
Jakub P 3:01 (p.b. and threatening to go sub 3’ next month!)
Scott (Skip) 3:22 (Massive p.b by 14.4%! Coming into Olympic form)
Dan R 3:23 (Another solid run and p.b for 5th time in row)
Rose M 4:26 (good run just 8” off her p.b time.)
Ellen 3:49 (New ladies course record and 12.9% improvement)
Lynsey T 4:34 (Debut run and. Next time sub 4:30?)
Richard G 3:25 (p.b. and 2.8% improvement)
Amy T 4:53 (Nice Debut run)
Charlotte P 5:16 (looking focussed for September 10k)
Steve P 3:13 (very fast 2nd run and 9% improvement)
Ian H 3:17 (p.b and 1% improvement)
Keep the good work up guys. Until next month, happy running!
Warm and humid conditions greeted 6 members of the BP run club shortly after mid-day on Thursday 28th June as they prepared for the challenge of the monthly 1km time trial
The results are as follows
Chris C was rewarded for his consistent training over the last month with a 7” improvement and new p.b of 4:10 (2.7% improvement)
Richard G despite a 10 mile run the night before was only 3” off his best time with a 3:34 dash around the course.
Dan R again chipped away at his P.B. with a 1” improvement with 3:24
Skipper Scott is thankfully on his way back after a challenging few months and dead heated with Chris.
James S continued to improve on his 2012 best with a swift 3:34 and 1.8% improvement
Steve P impressed with a nice 3:29 debut run
With the July Olympic time trial coming up in a matter of weeks the question is who will get their peak performance in to claim the Olympic glory of 2012?
Well done everyone. Keep the good work up.
Outstanding results from BP at the monthly time trial in May. Four debut runs at the super-fast Millwall Park loop and continued improvements from three of our regulars. Adam produced one of the fastest ever recorded LGN run club times with a very swift 2 minutes and 57 seconds for 1km. That is the new course record for the Millwall Park loop. Well done to Adam for raising the bar with steady reductions on the course record over the previous months. Lawrence also deserves a special mention for a tremendous 13.8% improvement on his previous best time. He has improved from 3:58 to 3:25. Katherine managed a 2” improvement on her last time and is showing all the potential to continue to reduce her p.b. Ian showed his running pedigree with a very swift 3:19 debut run and Melaine despite claiming she was not that fit produced a very commendable 4:07 to set her benchmark. Rose and Chris also recorded debut times within 1” of each other and are surely ones to watch in the coming months as they work on improving their fitness.
Lawrence O 3:25 (13.8% improvement)
Katherine P 4:15 (0.7% improvement)
Chris C 4:17 (Debut run)
Adam M 2:57 (3.3% improvement and New Course Record)
Melaine B 4:07 (Debut Run)
Ian H 3:19 (Debut Run)
Rose M 4:18 (Debut Run)
Lets see what BP run club members can do in the next time trial just before the Olympics arrive in London!
The records keep falling at Millwall Park and the consistent training is paying off for the guys breaking the records. New course record with Adam running an outstanding 3:03 shaving 7 seconds of his previous course best. There was continued improvement from Dan, Giovanni, Henry and Hong. Oladele had the largest percentage improvement on the day with 5% (the go faster clothing may have helped). Welcome to Katharine and Matthew who are likely to be ones to watch over the coming months as they benefit from some run club training. The rest of the group returning from mix of illness and heavy work commitments are definitely on the way back and likely to push their times over the coming months.
Giovanni V 3:35 (1.4% improvement and new P.B.)
Matthew B 5:04 (Debut run)
Katharine P 4:17 (Debut run on new course)
James S 3:41 (just 3” from his P.B. for 2012)
Scott N 4:00 (just 4” from his P.B.for 2012)
Henry W 3:46 (new P.B. by 1 second)
Dan R 3:25 (excellent new P.B and 2.4% improvement)
Ellen A 4:32 (9 seconds from her P.B. for 2012)
Adam M 3:03 (New course record and 3.7% improvement on previous)
Hong C 3:35 (new P.B. for 2012 and 0.9% improvement)
Oladele K 3:30 (New P.B. and 5% improvement)
In glorious sunshine, 16 degrees no less! the BP runners completed their March 1K time trial with some outstanding results Check them out below:
Oladele K 3-50 (a near miss from a PB but comfortably running inside 4mins)
Richard G 3-31 (debut run very solid first effort)
Giovanni V 3-38 (3.1% improvement next stop sub 3-30, he has already taken 11secs of his best in 2012 and its only March!)
Charlotte P 4-50 (6.9% improvement a whooping 20secs improvement and sub 5mins)
Ellen A 4-23 (excellent debut run)
Henry W 3-47 (a near miss only 3 secs but still an excellent run)
Jakub P 3-11 (A superb debut run and would have been a course record if not for Adam!
Dan R 3-30 ( a 1 second PB 0.5% improvement 3rd PB in a row!)
Adam M 3-10 (Excellent debut and *new Course record* with Jakub's help could we see a sub 3mins soon?)
Anne K 4-10 (our women's course record holder at 4-07 oh so very close, but a great effort considering she is carrying an ankle niggle)
Frederic Y 3-37 (9.6% improvement our best of the day 23 second improvement we will wait and see if he is this months biggest improver from across the LGN groups)
Well done to everyone on some excellent times. Its great to see the hard work you are putting in paying of in the 1K runs. Keep up the good work.
11 from BP Run Club took part in the second time trial of February 2012. The new course in Millwall Park is proving popular and for those revisiting the park in a matter of weeks faster times were the order of the day. All p.b. times are being reset from 2012.
Some of our recent joiners to the club enjoyed the experience and we look forward them coming back for more in March and therafter.
Times as below
Rachel R 5:10 Debut run
Alison D 5:08 Debut run
Giovanni V 3:45 2% improvement
Scott N 3:56 Debut run new course
Dan R 3:31 3% improvement
James S 3:38 5% improvement
Charlotte P 5:10 Debut run on new course
Laura B 5:06 Debut run on new course
Lawrence O 3:58 Debut run on new course
Hong C 3:37 3.5% improvement
Henry Wilson 3:47 Debut run on new course
On the 7th February the new 2012 1km loop at Millwall Park was used for the first time. The flat tarmac surface has all the potential for quicker running.
7 of the BP run club members were keen to set their benchmark times and the initial feedback has been positive with everyone posting performing better than might be expected in mid winter. We wait to see if they can improve significantly over the coming months and potentially win a pair of Asics training shoes!
Results are below. All debut times due to it being a new course.
Anne K 4:07
Dan R 3:38
Frederic Y 4:00
Hong C 3:45
Giovanni V 3:49
James S 3:50
Oladele K 3:41
Well done to everyone.Lets work over the coming months to break some records!