
The creation of LGN bespoke running events best illustrates the company’s philosophy.

LGN’s annual Inter Advertising 5km was created in 2007 for our multiple advertising agency Run Club clients, but quickly grew to also empower ‘non runners’ with confidence that running is a fitness gift for life. Over 10 years later and 1,000 ad-land team competitors duke it out annually to be declared #Fit2Pitch. 

In addition LGN developed the Property 5km in 2009 on behalf of our client Jones Lang LaSalle, this has now developed into a branded annual industry event that works for employer and employee in equal measure.

LGN's Inter Advertising 5K started in 2007 and continues today

LGN events help inter industry rivalries come to the fore in a healthy environment.

Our philosophy is to ensure all who took part have access to LGN guidance, advice and motivation to continue their running journey with a skip in their stride.

With key partners LGN is currently developing future non traditional running based events that will spark the imagination of individuals and corporate communities alike.


If you have already taken part in a LGN Event then you can see the report from all recent events, times, pictures and more in our news section - just follow the link below and check for recent event based articles.