LGN News

Wednesday, 28th October 2009

Failing to achieve Great 26.2 Expectations?

What the Dickens?! Recent articles in the US indicate that many runners ...read more
Wednesday, 30th September 2009

One of the beautiful aspects to running is that while fitness can be measured, calibrated and downloaded onto a ...read more

Wednesday, 9th September 2009

10th September 2009 and London's advertsing population awoke to sunshine and a day of bubbling anticipation for their ...read more

Wednesday, 2nd September 2009

Congratulations to all Jones Lang LaSalle runners & their associates who ran the inaugural JLL charity 5km in aid of ...read more

Monday, 24th August 2009

LGN Regents Park 5km course

Like bobsleigh champs doing their pre race head swaying race track prep... ...read more

Tuesday, 18th August 2009

LGN Run Clubs are buiding up a beautiful head of steam as the Inter Advertising 5km (10th September 2009) gets closer ...read more

Monday, 10th August 2009

Dear LGN fleet of foot,

Just 4 weeks to go until the 2009 LGN Inter Advertising 5km.

LGN 1km London ...read more

Friday, 10th December 2010

While the cold festive blanket settles and incubates lethargy for many a non runner, for some of us the passing of the ...read more

Thursday, 2nd April 2009
Aggregation of marginal gains

‘You what?!’ we possibly hear you cry.

Well ok, so we at LGN ...read more

Sunday, 17th May 2009
Welcome to LGN's Hyde Park 1km Loop Hyde Park is a truly inspiring London park to come back to each month and measure your ...read more
Sunday, 17th May 2009

Old Father Thames 346km long in its full majesty, how about enjoying just 1km along its meandering heritage to ...read more
Thursday, 25th October 2012
Tuesday, 26th May 2009
LGN 1km loops have been located and measured at several key points around London for use primarily by LGN Run Clubs ...read more
Sunday, 31st May 2009
Indeed a warm welcome to LGN's Canary Wharf 1km loop and probbaly one of London's most lovely & juxtaposed green spaces ...read more
Monday, 8th September 2008
Hyde Park, London - 2007 Team result In keeping all great & robust victory announcements, X-Factor, Eurovision Song ...read more
Saturday, 27th September 2008

The paparazzi go snap happy as LGN's 5km stampeed is launched from the start line ...read more